How to prevent a Slipped Disc

The following is some things that can help us to prevent a back pain or slipped disc.   Exercise Exercise can help your bones and back muscle to be more stronger and your nervous system will be more agile to response in the activities, your action will be more balance and accurate. It means that […]

Symptoms of Slipped Disc

Following is the common symptoms of Slipped Disc Back pain. Back pain is the first symptoms that occur when the patient have a slipped disc. Radiating pain on legs and arms. Lower back activity limitation. When the patient trying to sitting down, standing up, bending and others activities. It is because the lumber having a […]

Slipped Disc Causes

A lot of factors can causes slipped disc. In most of the cases, increasing age is related with disc degeneration. When age increase the water, calcium and vitamin in our bones will loss. Lumber disc degeneration earlier than others organ. It is because lumber have to overtaken the weight of oppression, the lumber do a […]

Slipped Disc Overview

What is Slipped Disc ? Slipped Disc also called herniated disc and ruptured intervertebral disc, it is a type of back pain. Slipped Disc is the Annulus Fibrosus disruption, the gel inside the spine leaks out and place a pressure or irritated the spinal cord or nerve fibre. People between 30-60 years old are having […]

Back Pain

Back pain is the pain that you felt at your back. A lot of people experience a back pain. It can be divided into a three big categories, Upper back pain, middle back pain and lower back pain. Upper Back Pain is the pain that occur at your neck and shoulder. If you feel pain […]

Fast Backache Treatment

Mr. Maniam, 46 years old man works as a technician. Since he was hospitalized as a result of falling from a ladder while working, he has been suffering from backache for the past 2 years. He was admitted to a local hospital for about 4 days and then released with medication. There was nothing to […]