This is a story about a little boy name Super Baby. He was only 2 years old since he has been diagnosed suffering from severe ADHD Syndrome by Chinese Master. His condition was very bad. He can’t speak, no voice from his mouth, no eye contact, no alertness and always disobeying orders. Besides that, he has repeat behavior, running, jumping, and throwing stuff all the time.
Because of his severe condition, his parents send him for autism treatment. He had been sent to Autism Cure Neuro Acupuncture Treatment Center which was handled by Chinese Master.
After 3 months of intensive Autism Cure Neuro Acupuncture Treatment and taking Autism Cure Medicine Treatment, he showed very tremendous improvement. His hyperactive behavior reduced and he started to talk with his parents. In the first month, he already started mumble the words and after that he could say the word clearly day by day. He also could understand well and easy to follow instructions.
Now, after completing the Autism Cure Neuro Acupuncture Treatment, he almost gets 99% cured from ADHD syndrome.