Acupuncture centre has been established a lot nowadays. But, the most well-known one is The Tole Acupuncture-Herbal Medical Centre Sdn Bhd which was located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This acupuncture centre starts operating since 20 years ago and conducted by a very famous Chinese Master named The Tole.
This acupuncture centre has achieved a lot of breakthrough. Chinese Master has been awarded as World First Class Physician by China and he also received The Honorable Merit Award and The Han Dynasty Antique Needles Award from China. The latest award that he has received is Honorable Merit from the Royal of Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia).
Chinese Master deserves to receive the award because he has successfully treating thousands of patients from within and outside the country. Most of patients who came to his acupuncture centre for acupuncture treatment are from 63 countries. All his patients were very satisfied with his acupuncture treatment and services that were provided during at the acupuncture centre.
At this acupuncture centre, each acupuncture treatment session run for about half an hour. The maximum number of acupuncture treatment for one patient is 3 sessions per day. After the acupuncture session done, Chinese Master will give some herbal medicine for the patient to take at home every day.
Acupuncture treatment does not leave any bad side effects. What the patients might experience is the feeling of fatigue after the acupuncture session at acupuncture centre because of the energy points has being stimulated. The tiredness or fatigue will disappear after the patients taking a rest for some time.