The Tole Acupuncture & Herbal Medical Centre is one of a well-known acupuncture treatment centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The treatment centre is run by a very famous Chinese Master named The Tole. He has treating thousands of patients from within the country and also abroad. His acupuncture technique was very effective until he was honored from the Royal of Negeri Sembilan.
Chinese Master has opened his own acupuncture treatment centre since 20 years ago. He was the fourth generation who inherited the acupuncture practice from his ancestors. His acupuncture treatment centre located at Menara Promet, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Before he established the acupuncture treatment centre, he had helps his father doing acupuncture treatment in China Town, Kuala Lumpur also.
Besides Kuala Lumpur, Chinese Master has opened a branch in Puchong, Selangor. But, in Puchong, it’s only for VIP and invited people only. Chinese Master was very expert in treating various types of diseases starting from mild diseases until stage 4 cancers. If you are in doubt to try this acupuncture treatment, you can contact his assistant for more information or you can step in to his centre and see by yourself how crowded his centre is. You also can visit his website.